Shipping and return policies for Bulujka

Shipping Info
After you purchased the item, it is 89% guaranteed that is will ship in 5 days. However, this is not a 100% guaranteed that your pack will arrive in 5 days.
It is 100% guaranteed that your ordered item will be posted, and you will get an email.
It is not guaranteed that the item will 100% match to the illustrations and to the pictures shown on the Bulujka Cash, as Bulujka improve and change the products.

Return Policy
It is not guaranteed that your item will not be stolen from third parties (e.g. post).
Your sent item will be marked as fragile, and also as express to provide that your item will arrive in that state when it was posted, and to provide a fast deliver. However, unfortunately it is not provided that the items will be cared as they are marked.

Except the third parties, the deliver provides 89% guaranteed that your item will be shipped in 5 days, and it will arrive in that state, as it was posted.